This successful and engaging book festival has been going strong since 2009.
Presenting authors include the more famous such as Tracy Kidder, Julia Cameron, and Nancy Pearl and many others who are not so well known, but who have interesting and sometimes provocative information to share.
You can buy presenting authors' books right at the event—booksellers include Elliott Bay Book Company and Seattle University Bookstore.
I’ve attended this event for two years in a row and I’m looking forward to this year’s sessions.
An extra bonus is an art exhibit exploring the theme of the meaning of life.
You can’t beat the amazingly inexpensive price of 10 bucks to register for this event.
So be sure to attend and open the doors to more worlds and a variety of perspectives.
Click here to learn more.
And check out the short YouTube video below.
Author and artist, Kathryn V. White's most recent book, Rumble Tumble Joy: A Journey for Healing, Inspiration, and Wholeness, is a finalist in the 2014 Wishing Shelf Book Awards. Her collage, "The Joyful Workings of the Faithfully Busy Mind" has been juried into a collage exhibit at the Washington State Convention Center running through March 28, 2016. Find out more at: www.kathrynVwhite.com