By thinking through your options, developing your goals, and writing down your dreams you are much more likely to move forward in the direction you desire.
And you’ve got help…
A team from Hungary has developed a wonderful booklet as well as an online version for you to use in looking back over the past year and focusing on what you want for 2016.
It’s available in several languages. It’s flexible too—go it alone or with a group.
January is a perfect time to set your direction for the rest of the year.
Click here to learn more.
One of the things I like about this process is coming up with a key word or phrase to act as my year's touchstone.
I'm going with "la dolce vita." For me, this means being aware, allowing, savoring, and actively acknowledging the sweetness of life in deeper and more expanded ways.
What's your key word or phrase for 2016?
To a fulfilling and joyful new year!
Author and artist, Kathryn V. White's most recent book, Rumble Tumble Joy: A Journey for Healing, Inspiration, and Wholeness, is a finalist in the 2014 Wishing Shelf Book Awards. Her art is available as fine art prints. Find out more at: