Make your own envelope or buy one. If you make one, it allows for more creative possibilities.
To create an envelope, you can find envelope templates on the web, unfold and copy an unused envelope you have, or just fold and glue or tape paper in such a way that you could actually send something in it.
Collage cut out images from magazines, use rubber stamps and stencils, draw, paint, do whatever you like to do. Embellish with glitter or confetti. Create an insert in the form of a letter, post card, or some other novelty you come up with.
Just have fun!
To start you thinking, I've included photos of what I did for my art assignment.
“Walking with Finney” ©Kathryn V. White
For this Mail Art, I used two color prints of my digital photographs—one of a tree truck graced with a wooden heart
and one of my dog sitting on a park bench. I used these prints to create the envelope. The tree print is the outside of the envelope and the picture of my dog, who is my heart pal, is the
inner illustration of the envelope. His darling, happy, little face is the focal point upon opening the envelope.
I also utilized decorative handmade paper, red construction paper, rubber cement, scissors, a glue stick, tape, two bird stencils, and a paper punch that cuts paper into the shape of a small bird.
For the insert, I used leaves I picked up from my walks with my dog. I painted the leaves with acrylic gel medium so that they would be flexible and not tear into pieces over time. I also included little red bird “confetti” for the insert.
The assortment of birds I’ve cut out and collaged and used as “confetti” represent the birds that I see and hear on these walks. The leaves are gifts of nature that I find beautiful and enjoy collecting each year. The leaves and little birds that I did not glue onto my envelope can be given as gifts by the receiver and so the circle of gifts—from nature, to me, to the recipient, and on to others reflects the circle of giving and receiving
which is a wonderful and nurturing part of the circle of life.
The confetti birds also represent to me the fun of life.
My Mail Art honors my memories of my walks with my dog, my love of my dog, and my enjoyment of the beauty of nature. I like the layering in this piece—not only that the piece includes collage, but the papers I used ultimately come from trees. I also
include a picture of a tree as well as leaves that are real leaves that I have picked up on my walks.
The tree has a wooden heart that was made by hand and added to the tree. As far as I know, this is the only tree in the park that has a handcrafted heart kindly attached to it (the heart hangs on a wire that is attached to a branch, it is not nailed to the tree).
My mail art is also one of a kind and handcrafted with love.
As people view my artwork, I want them to think about what delights them about nature, who they enjoy spending time with, how good it feels to be sharing a beautiful day, what they have given in love, and what they have received that has deepened their happiness.