As I continue down the road of getting my book, Rumble Tumble Joy: A Journey for Healing, Inspiration, and Wholeness, ready to go out into the wider world, I appreciate D’vorah Lansky and all the folks that joined her to help us authors be more successful in marketing our books.
Want some easy book marketing tips from the Challenge? Click here.
I recently implemented Sharon Williams' LinkedIn tip and now my soon to be published book, Rumble Tumble Joy; some of my published stories; as well as an anthology I’m included in are highlighted on Linkedin. Easy to do? YES! To see how I’ve implemented Sharon’s tip, click here. (Scroll down until you see "Kathryn White's Publications")
To find out more about my short stories for inspiration, joy, and widened perspectives, click here.
To find out about my short stories for children, click here.
To find out more about Rumble Tumble Joy, click here.
And to help an author spread the word about her writing, please "Like" my Facebook Fan page! Click here to access it.
"Rumble Tumble Joy provides a window into the soul of its author, Kathryn V. White, and demonstrates how one woman's story can supply a pathway of healing for many others. Kathryn's willingness to share her process of transformation will help women everywhere to find their own voices and their own liberation from society's false expectations.
The included Reader's Discussion Guide offers thought-provoking questions to aid readers in their quest for personal awareness and growth, centered around what it means to be a woman in today's world. I highly recommend this book for individuals as well as for study groups who are dedicated to helping girls and women gain true acceptance of themselves."
—Len Leatherwood, Writer, Teacher, Texas Licensed Professional Counselor