In this much too-short, critically-acclaimed series of two seasons, we follow the journey of a frequently irritating, short-sighted, and misguided heroine (Amy) as she tries to heal from the pain and anger of her past (which resulted in a workplace meltdown) and practice the spiritual principles she opened up to at a holistic treatment facility. |
in a world frequently oriented towards superficiality, "just getting along," and greed.
In crafting a new purpose for her life and imperfectly implementing spiritual principles, Amy becomes a crusader against the corporate corruption of her employer, Abaddon Industries.
And while how much her actions actually result in a "greater good" is debatable, she is a catalyst for change in her own life and those around her.
The series is written by Mike White and stars Laura Dern, Mike White, Luke Wilson, Diane Ladd, and Timm Sharp.
Thank you to all those involved in creating this bold, innovative, provocative, and moving series. Once again, HBO doesn't disappoint. It continues its role in providing groundbreaking entertainment that ultimately helps to shift the course of what we watch and how we look at the world.
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